Orchard Poster — Illustrator

Torin Price
2 min readJan 10, 2022
A3 poster alongside wireframe of guides

New skills learnt in illustrator:


During the illustrator stage of this project I found it very useful to align all the content on the page by set guides. This replaced my previous method of aligning each object off of the previous. Sometimes that worked but generally I found the look to be much cleaner using guides which also enabled me to create even spacing around the page. Some would even say using guides cures OCD…


Creating texture in my designs has been a bit of a confusing nightmare. Only really when I spent a whole 20 minutes watching a how to video did it really start to make sense. Turns out using a mask depends upon the overlays darkness, a lighter colour results in less transparency and key black is completely transparent. Even though these designs no longer feature any textures created through the mask tool its definitely worth knowing.

A2 poster

